
Offical Logos

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-Meet the Community-

  • MrBrose

    Hi there! I'm MrBrosá´‡ and I am a graphic designer who creates Minecraft related things. You might know me for my Minecraft Style Logos, which you can see in my portfolio, and you can purchase one too, Just click here!
    I also help other people learn how to make their very own Minecraft Style logos themselves! Using resources from this website you too can become a Minecraft Logo expert.

  • TheAnnoying

    Hey, I'm TheAnnoying! I always wanted to create Minecraft titles, but never knew there was a community for it. After I came across the Minecraft Titles Discord server, I realized there are others like me, who find these titles really awesome. I started using Mineimator and Photoshop for my logos, but then moved to Adobe Illustrator. I'm very happy with how my logos look, and I'm glad there are many guides on the server to help out!

  • RJ_Infinity

    Hello. I am the guy who created almost all the website that you see in front of you. including much time spent creating the excelent particles in the background (if you want to see how cool they can be look at the 404 page). I also make other programs and the odd other thing. you can find most of my work at

  • FloideN

    Hey, my name is FloideN, I am a graphic designer, I love to create something unique, beautiful and professional. I am always looking for something new and when I start doing something I try to make it perfect! And I also love to create Minecraft related content, logos, key art, unique fonts inspired by official fonts (you can find them in the "fonts" tab) and much more!

  • TitusHM

    Hello, fellow fellows! I'm the brains that used a python script to introduce the fonts to this website. While i didnt personally design every aspect of the site, i'm the sole reason behind the smooth navigation and user-friendly experience (when in the fonts page). So, as you explore the amazing virtual world here, remember that it is my expert coding touch that is making it all (of the fonts page) click seamlessly. my github

illustrator logo


The more powerful but also an expensive method, the official logos were made in a similar way to this.
(This method is more complex than the blockbench method)

blockbench logo


Not as powerful as the Illustrator method, however it is free and really quick and easy to use
(I highly recommend using this method rather than mine-imator)

photoshop logo


Not as powerful as the Illustrator method, however it is still powerful
(I recommend using the Illustrator method rather than this method if possible)