
The history of the Minecraft logo

The Minecraft Logo has gone through a lot of changes throught the years, you can look back on them here:

Minecraft's First logo, simply made out of cobblestone:

Minecraft's first logo

Minecraft logo concept by Dock, This was never properly implemented:

Minecraft logo concept by Dock

Minecraft logo concepts by Junkboy:

Minecraft logo concepts

The final disign of the Minecraft logo by Junkboy:

Minecraft logo concepts
Minecraft's third logo

A pixelated version of the logo to go ingame was also created:

Minecraft's second logo

The Minecraft logo got another update in 2015.
Changes included smoothening the cracks, changing the colours and making the black outline thicker:

Minecraft's fourth logo

In 2021 the Minecraft logo was redegined by Bold Scandinavia.
this logo was a full redeign, which completely changed the cracks, as well as changing the colours and model. There is also now two logos, one for the game (top) and one for the brand.(bottom)

Minecraft Franchise